December 28
9:30 am
December 28
The Help the Homeless meet-up group usually meets on the last Saturday of the month in Wester Hall. Folks from all over the NOVA/DC area put together backpacks containing a hygiene kit, paper towels, plastic container, mouthwash, a sack lunch, and a Bible. These backpacks are taken to DC and parts of Fairfax County to distribute directly to the homeless.
January 6
The Grace Tutoring Program has been an active part of our life continuously since 1990. The program has helped children from Crestwood and Garfield Elementary Schools by developing a caring relationship between students and church volunteers. Each student meets with the same volunteer, who becomes a special friend and homework helper for one hour every Monday evening, from October through May. The program needs tutors and substitute tutors for each school year. Coordinator: Mary Hawkins.
January 26
All are welcome to join us for a short neighborhood walk (1 mile +/-) as we express our concern for the suffering in Palestine and Israel demonstrate our enacted prayers for a just and lasting peace. These walks will continue on the 4th Sunday of the month, beginning roughly 15-30 minutes before sunset.
For more information, see: Grace’s Memory Walk Project page.